Beta Testing for Toog Begins Now!

New Job Management Software

Toog is a new online software product that imports all the parts/cabinets from CabMaster to create quotes and track all of your jobs in a CRM.

We’re excited to help Toog with beta testing and get our loyal CabMaster customers involved!

Before you get started, please watch the video below to gain an understanding of how Toog works.

Once you’ve watched the video, please sign up to Toog’s beta program by clicking the green button below. This will give you a 60-day free trial and you don’t need to add your credit card details to access it.

TIP: There is a shadow button in the bottom right corner of Toog that contains tutorial videos about items on each page, as seen in the image below.

Toog is currently being expanded by their diligent development team, and a future update will include stock control and inventory management.

CabMaster Software is very excited to be taking on distribution for Toog and we appreciate your help in taking the next step with us in our journey.

If you have any questions, please email

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